the voice from here and beyond
Your mountains rose up from quake after quake Pangaea becoming your molten needs that lifted your hips Into my soaring sky My winds danced across your thorny bushes and soaring pines Whispering my desires into lush green and clinging vines That wrapped around my breath Laying beneath me so close and so far away Chasms […]
You flow blue from your lips into the crown of the world a well filled with potential Two spinning in the night brother to brother sister to sister lover to lover children of the stars Open me up to your mysteries to the truths of the rose above of the sea below lands between each […]
Over Minneapolis you came to me like a wave soft fur on soft fur slowly callousing hands across my face When I met you I never expected the shape you would become a transforming creature filling my heart Lilith sing Lilith beautiful and terrible Lilith I give thanks to thee A mile high you soar […]
Softness tickles my nose paws wrapped around my devoted form
Who is this rose above me This god that is I AM dove of love daemon’s spark I would know myself in all my forms Who is this mantle over me This god that burns I AM wisdom’s sigh eyes of Sophia I would know myself in all my truths Who is this egg surrounding […]
You open wide on starry thighs goddess god lover somewhere here far away you open up and share your cosmos with me I become part of your spiraling dust I am rock and ice haunting echoes of your pulsing pulsar lust I breathe in your solar systems I am asteroids and planets flaring heat of […]
on our way to Avalon we had no barge to row our way across the lake to find the lady there Just the two of us curled up against the fog stowaways hoping for forgiveness we trespassed our way into the holy lands of our yesterday of each others arms finding our way across the […]
The smoke rose up like curly grey locks of hair as I thought of You
Kiss me Khepri He who has come into being Kiss me Hard shelled Scarab-bodied ancient one Roll the sun Over me Let me be the sky alive Transform me Molding my heart Self-created like you I am Nut Swallowing you whole I am Nut Mother of your hungry mandible Crawl from me Kiss me As […]
for Isis You found me scattered across the land lost to myself and the world You found me and gathered me up hope breathing in as you searched You found me one thousand pieces torn in rage by our brother You found me except for one piece beast eaten in his belly You found me […]
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