the voice from here and beyond
I saw you dreaming the starry sky
In the morning as I crawled from our bed
Your legs wrapped in cream
And a sunbeam dancing across your hips
When we love, when we embrace, where do our embraces lead? To disheveled streets and imperfect connections, longing and hope wrapped in who we want to be reflected in each other’s eyes. I see those eyes before me, and the mirrors show me so many me-s.
Show me the strength you see
In me when I become your mate and master
Your legs wrapped in dream
And my sunshine holding your starry sky
I am sitting today with mental health, with diagnoses and not being diagnosed. Madness and genius wrapped up in each other with a sigh, longing for normalacy and detesting the notion in the same breath. I breathe between tears and fears, and his eyes catch mine.
Forgiveness comes in so many forms
In the bowl of cereal you offer up
Your legs wrapped in steam
And sunrays caught fresh from the shower
And so here I am on the roller coaster again, and the clowns dance by. I will be your calming force, you will be my rock, and together we are better for it. Let my eyes help you be the best mine and more you have the capacity to be… for you have so much capacity.
We have so much work and life ahead
In the world at large or tucked away
Your legs wrapped around mine
We will break the molds and build anew
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