the voice from here and beyond
settles into bones
a bandaged wound
seeping out the past
expectations set
purple in our pores
purging ink out
from my fingertips
you expose your crown
open to my
purple glowing
light of creation
they called us
amethyst children
indigo generation
purple every one
Oxblood gems
rattle in my chest
a slowly
Staining my teeth
with the color
of your lies
you are pulpy
Welts rise up
gore and passion
anger holds
no more
I dig into denial
shake my fist
kiss away
Ruby knuckles
bloody with fear
take in
my resentment
Let me be
tomorrow’s fallacy
out of
He pinned me against the wall. Hot energy came out of his fingertips as his lips met mine. Tongues tangled in our bedroom as he reached down and felt my cock, hard, hanging down between my legs. I was held back by my underwear and trousers, but felt him exquisitely. We breathed in together, released, pushed back… and I felt him reach his tendrils into me, through me, grabbing me and pulling me closer with every tug.
I packed a while ago. Packing- wearing a prosthetic under clothing to create the look or sensation of having external genitalia. Some people’s packers are silicone. Others rubber. I was in love with someone whose packer was made of layers of condoms filled with hair gel and wrapped in a nylon. Let’s just say that that went poorly when someone squeezed too tight.
I recently got a silicone packer from Good Vibes. It showed up beautiful- the caramel color really resonating with me. But wow, it was hard. Physically very hard. It threw me for a loop, having been used in the past to much softer packers. Mind you, that made it more fun for using as an insertable on myself… but that is a tale for a different time. I wore it that first night and found that it was hard to sleep in, pulling on my long public hair. In the morning I blearily removed it, without thinking.
During the second round of experiments, I put it in my trousers, and found that the lump was more ambitious than what I perceived myself to be in my energetic and astral body. And yet, it was good, so good, to look down and see my cock between my legs, held back by jeans. So amazingly good. I wore it for a few hours, then decided to take it out before bed.
We have a mirror just inside our bedroom, and as I stripped… my world fell apart. I pulled down my underwear, and my packy came away from my groin.
Flashback. I am in Portland, Oregon at Powell’s Bookstore in the men’s room. I have not had chest surgery yet, my 38DD breasts held back behind a binder and wearing baggy clothes. I pull down my pants and my packy of the time, goes bouncing out of my underpants. I leave the stall, pick it up as if nothing was wrong… but it was all wrong.
My old packy was great. Soft. Beautiful. And it’s issue… was that it was practically shredded by me (or my lover) pulling on it too much. An issue that the new packer does not have.
But I am now back in my bedroom… and my world falls apart. Because I look in the mirror, and I am beyond naked. I am bare. I am exposed. I am standing there, unable to see the cock I so badly want and need on my body.
I fall into dysphoria, and dance into depression. I curl up, and don’t want to leave the bed. I spend the next few weeks on and off looking in the mirror and feeling wrong. And yet, packing is not enough either. I pack from time to time, and it helps. But my world feels sideways.
The third time is a charm. I slide the cock into my underpants, adjust myself, adjust myself again. I feel firmly grounded. I walk with firmness on the planet. My love sees me, and as I flirt with him, he flirts back.
Around the corner in the bedroom his fingers graze against my cock and I shutter. He smiles, playing me like a violin, and I moan. His body pushes against mine and he begins to pull on my cock, but physically and astrally.
I shutter and moan, moan and squirm, squirm and shutter. He is an artisan of erotic expression, an incubus with silken claws. I groan and push back but he is relentless. I build up. I ache. I cum.
Collecting my sighs
outside the monoliths of 1st avenue
I finger wounds
processing forgotten prayers
plastered on the inside of my skin
Snow storms rise up
a flurry flickering across my face
coldness from my stony breast
Fears and fragility
coalesce under your tender lips
melting away my sorrow
sticking to boots left at the door
of our two bedroom reprise
Beat in time
the betrayal of my cold iron heart
piercing the fae within
Streaming tears
bundled in my red loomed shawl
I offer to you
to hold safe until I come free
collect them in the spring
Brush back my hair
kissing my brow with certainty
that I will return once more
Black winged glory
raven delirium
knocking loose the moon
Seasons push free
the growth
of timeless oak bursting forth
From a planted seed
dreaming madness takes hold
reaching towards the sky
Climb the mighty world tree
roots flowing with wandering wraiths
reflecting our ceaseless branches
Hang me from your powerful trunk
take me into inspiration
seeking our immortal light
Eternity licks the desert dry
curving hips of mother’s bones
catching every drop of blood
Ankle pierced and dangling
let me be carved for wisdom
ready to receive the waiting well
Peck open my eyes
leave me blind no more
the night unfolding in my arms
Dance me a web of stars
thighs spread wide beneath my wings
feathers falling across your licorice curls
tangled between moans
The sky shuttered
shook free its moorings
sailed into the night
Breathe in the musk of yesterday
devour tomorrow’s desperate strokes
decadence in emerald and turquoise
wrapping myself around you
The sky shuttered
shook free its moorings
sailed into the night
Spin me a net of burning gems
arms welcoming my beating marrow
with iron eyes and heart of jet
innocent with every taste
The sky shuttered
shook free its moorings
sailed into the night
Lunge into my taloned hands
camped around your burning flame
powerful in freedom’s flight
galaxies twisting round my heart
The sky shuttered
shook free its moorings
sailed into the night
Collapse into my nothingness
of days before a rising sun
lips locking as we pill close the wind
angels singing in the dark
The sky shuttered
shook free its moorings
sailed into the night
You are my languid lover
mother of the ivory egg
mirror touched spread starry thighs
whirling out the dreams of life
You are my shuttering sky
shaking free the moorings of desire
sail me oh sail me
into the night
Spicy darkness
slides down
between my lips
as I breathe in
your heady smell
teasing me
I push myself up
towards your waiting form
without doubt
you glide in
my head rolling back
ecstatic breath
filling me up
with each thrust
You spoke of fantastical truths
mechanized dervishes and apocalyptic trust
falling from a fertile tongue
I listened rapt and ravenous
needful of something to believe in
after a past laid to waste
Lurid possibilities escaped
from your fingertips and tattered tales
and I believed every one
Stories of the future were spun
that I gobbled up
never questioning what they meant to me
My ears needed each syllable
each word murmured from a fevered sight
clinging to tomorrows rambling rust
But by believing in you
I cast myself in and down
through pages of prose passionately writ
What has never happened
dreamed dry my wells
eclipsing the world around me
What never will be has left me blind
to what is before my eyes
beauty lost to your story book suffering
The trance takes me in
pages flip one by one
as the world passes me by
Come to me
spinning out of pens and keys
page on fire with your wit
I am inspired
lit up as the sparks fly
Wells bubble over
as my body is drenched
sweat beading on my furrowed brow
expanding with light
The ink dries up
crying as I long for your touch
Breathing you in
four winds by four of the world
Turning to the mirror
my eyes flicker to life
You are reflected
in the glass before me
The leaves call me
once more to soar
coming to myself
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