the voice from here and beyond
The following is a step by step guide to finding a place of peace beyond the land of Xara. This was where I haiked to on Friday morning of Xara… and I hope the photos share part of my journey with you.
Get to Xara, and dress to impress yourself. These two steps may be the trickiest for some of you, and for others like breathing in a breath of fresh air. For some of you it will be both and neither.
Beyond Pangea, where Drew Barrymore is the Devil, before reaching the sweat lodges, dodge left here the bedoiun lesbians raise their young.
Take the right handed path
Say hello to those you pass along your journey
Cross around the gate to the right
Walk over the falling stone bridge over the entrance to Neverwhere
Rest after the first valley o clean your nails and drink more fluids.
At the jutted rock, head up the hill. Drop your pack and continue climbing up where the stone giantess sleeps on her side with a boulder between her thighs. Keep climbing until you can see all three valleys at once. Take stock of your life and breathe in the clean air.
On the way down, when you hear voices- wait. Wrapped in red show the way to two tribes of Israel who come before you seeking wisdom.
Wonder at the hawks abd overhead (not likely pink) airplanes.
Pass rocks lichened unto gods and locked caves.
Stop at the resort at the end of the universe and let the gods try to attack you as you tell the caretaker who you are and why you have come. Why have you come? She will grant you safe passage if you know your answer true.
Crawl under the gap in the barbed wire to the right 100 yards after leaving her compound.
Sit at the lake and enjoy lunch.
On the way home, hop the fence and give directions to Peter Pan’s Partner.
Say hello to the sun.
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