It a room lit with candles, surrounded by mandalas, I was joined this Saturday by 12 other souls, 13 of us in total, to explore a new rite- Awakening The Ruby Pentacle.  Honor-Integrity-Discipline-Responsibility-Purpose.  Inspired by Saturday, I share the story of unfolding, and details about, The Ruby Pentacle.

(For those only interested in the details of the Ruby Pentacle, and not the story or other Pentacle Working, scroll down to the topic line “The Ruby Pentacle” below)

I have been exploring Feri Tradition and some of its spin-off concepts for a few years now.  In February 2008 I sat and heard T. Thorn Coyle speak for the first time, and was blown away.  Not only is she intelligent, but she resonated with a cord of what had been working inside me for some time.  That day she introduced me to the Iron Pentacle, and my world was transformed.

Within Feri Tradition, and its offshoots and inspirations, there are many different pentacles that are seen to energetically flow through our astral bodies.  Though, mind you, I am only describing this work from my own perspective, with language that others within Feri might disagree with or find to be far differently phrased then they would describe it.  So be it- Feri is… many things.

As I sat with, danced with, and felt the Iron Pentacle resonate through my body, I was struck by a number of different things.  The first was that my energetic body ran backwards compared to what Thorn was teaching.  I had already had challenges with some forms of Tantra, trying to run energy in specific directions- only to find that it worked better going “widdershins” as it were.  But Thorn, when she asked if others had questions or comments, I asked if it was weird that my pentacle ran down to my left foot from my crown, rather than down to my right.  She looked and me and simply asked “are you from Australia?”  I blinked and answered yes, as my energetic body is very much rooted in New South Wales, and she said “fair enough then- it flows the same direction as water down a drain.”

Secondly, that first day of working with the Iron Pentacle shook me up around the notion of balance, and finding a middle space.  The five points of the Pentacle are Sex – Pride – Self – Power – Passion.  Having any one of these be too small is a thing that is not sought after… nor any one of them being too hyper-manifested.  That notion really took me on a journey into my own work.

So here I am, sitting with Pentacles.  I am sitting with, and called to share my work with Pentacles, as well as to point folks towards resources of other Pentacles beyond my own.  Beyond what I have found within myself and others.

There are many pentacles that have been explored by other Feri, and those who have been touched or affected by the work of Victor and Cora Anderson:

Iron Pentacle (explored in Veedub’s book/download, Thorn’s book, and Storm Faerywolf’s site):
Sex – Pride – Self – Power – Passion

Pearl Pentacle (explored in Veedub’s book, Thorn’s book, and Storm Faerywolf’s site):
Love – Law (I use Order) – Knowledge – Liberty (some say Power) – Wisdom

Blessing Pentacle (explored in Veedub’s book):
Devotion – Truth – Radiance – Grace – Blessing

Amethyst Pentacle (unveiled by Storm Faerywolf, and explored here):
Innocence – Desire – Awakening – Identity – Expression

Quartz Pentacle (introduced to me by a gentlefey named Greg):
Compassion – Harmony – Patience – Forgiveness – Gratitude

Rust Pentacle (explored in Thorn’s book):
Impotence – Shame – Deprecation – Powerlessness – Apathy

Gilded Pentacle (explored in Thorn’s book):
Greed – Arrogance – Egotism – Force – Obsession

Warrior Pentacle (Introduced by Thorn):
Commitment – Honor – Truth – Strength – Compassion

Water Pentacle (Introduced by Awen Stormfool on her blog):
Expansion – Becoming – The Source – Allowing – Guidance

And there are very likely others I am unaware of.

But something had been whispering to me.  I listen to whispers.  I listen across the veil, and I especially listen when cosmic clue-by-fours appear in my world.  The cosmic clue-by-four in this case was Jack Malebranche’s (now Donovan) work, Androphilia: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity.  I was one week post-hysterectomy, and the book literally appeared on my bed, thanks to a friend who saw of me and bought it at Bookman’s.  Given that this book was a small distribution and is out of print, and that it now tends to retail for around $100 it turns out… I don’t believe in coincidence, we’ll just say that for now.  Mind you, parts of the book pissed me off… but the best cosmic post it notes often do.

I had been exploring my place within men’s community and culture for some time.  Debating that notion about “Boy” identity as compared to “Man” identity as someone on a distinct and unique gender journey.  Where do I fit, within the world of men’s mysteries as a man with a history as a woman, a creature who has walked between, beyond, and through a variety of genders and gender expressions so far this lifetime.  I had gotten a big ole’ cosmic post-it note in the past few months that having trained in my younger years in some women’s mysteries working, I was to acknowledge, thank and let go of much of my emotional and practical attachment to that (though retain the information should I be invited back as a guest, IE if women’s groups need someone to do god-form possession work but only allow in folks with Yonis), so that I could move forward as a man in this chapter.

So I started asking, what makes a “man” in our culture.  I had fantastic conversations across occult, magical and pagan traditions on the topic (and continue to), and really sat with them.  Isaac Bonewitzs’ boyhood into manhood initiatory theories.  Ivan Richmond and Don Jon discussing the notions of verification, creation, and testing to find resonance rather than destruction.  I sat with men in their 60s and guys just coming of age… and then Jack Malebranche’s work kicked me in the ass and I stopped sitting- that in combination with some pretty intense ordeal working and tribal vision working I went through.

The Ruby Pentacle is what manifested out of that working.  And when Slave Caroline asked what I wanted to do at Our Place, the sacred dedicated space at SouthWest Leather, the answer was simple.  I wanted to pass on the Ruby Pentacle, which I also consider the Leather Pentacle.

My personal explorations had found that Iron Pentacle worked resonated with my Vivi/Fetch/Body Consciousness/Physical Soul the most.  Pearl resonated with my Emi/Talker/Mind Consciousness/Mental Soul the most.  But when it came to my Ori/Daemon/God Consciousness/Spiritual Soul, I hit an interesting wall.  The Blessing Pentacle, proposed by Veedub as being resonant… did not resonate for me.  It was Yin, and my body cried for Yang as a base resonant system.  And with the Ruby Pentacle, I found that Yang balance to the Yin- Devotion/Honor – Truth/Integrity – Radiance/Discipline – Grace/Responsibility – Blessing/Purpose.

But here I was, less than a week before SouthWest Leather Conference, and I realized that unlike the Iron and Amethyst Pentacles, that were firmly rooted within my energetic form, the Ruby Pentacle still felt like a theory, a concept, a tingle… a thing I knew to be true but not awake within myself to its potential.  And how can I pass something onto others if I myself don’t believe it?  It’s why I don’t teach a few of my classes anymore, because it’s not honest, invested and true.  It is not from the core of me.  And as a guru and teacher, how can I pass on that which I do not myself have the capacity to stand behind?

So I set aside 12 hours, and cast my circle.  I set my space and did the work I needed to do to traverse within, without, and between.  I did academic research before, I created index cards full of words and resonant concepts, I dived into theory… and then danced into practice.  Because it is not enough to know.  One must feel.  One must experience.  Or else it’s just theory.

I am grateful that I did, because I discovered something fascinating about the directionality of energetic movement.  At least, I found it fascinating and useful.  Mind you, I also said “duh”- because sometimes the simplest truths are the ones we didn’t notice before.

In most of the witchcraft I have done since I was a child, and in my working within Christian tradition as well, the bulk of energetic working comes vertically.  It either roots down through our feet and into the earth, or is reaching up to the heavens.  Or, it comes up from the earth, or down from the heavens.  It is ascendant in nature, or descendant.  It is vertical in one way or another.

Both of the Pentacles that I had anchored in my body, Iron and Amethyst, are vertical energetically.  The Iron Pentacle is pulled up from the iron core of the earth, while the Amethyst Pentacle pulls down from ascendant Gods or Spirits up in higher astral realms.  I tried and tried and tried and could not get the Ruby to anchor from anywhere…

Until I lay down and reached out horizontally.  I found Honor facing me in the eyes of leatherfolk I knew and trusted.  I found Integrity in the form of my mother.  I found Discipline staring me down from authors whose dedication I respect profoundly.  I found Responsibility in the faces of parents whose every day capacity blows me away.  And I found Purpose echoing back in the eyes of other spirit workers and people of faith I admire.

We are all God.  Namaste, I see god in you, is not just a pet saying.  We are all God, literally.  For most Hindus, maya, or illusion, is a thing to overcome so that we can become as gods, be fully energetically ourselves and see beyond the veil that falls over our eyes.  But what if we choose to not fear the maya before us, but understand it as lilaLila is the Hindu notion (thank you Silence Maestas for turning me onto this notion) that we can acknowledge that there is maya present, and thus every time we see someone or something new, our beloved, our Divine, our God, is there in a new form.  That we play hide and seek with Deity and Essence.

Thus, I am opened up to a new direction of finding divine inspiration.  Not just from up or down, but side to side.  Side by side.  I stand side by side with the deity in each of you that is each of you.  And if that is the case, you can help awaken divinity in me, and I in you.  And by becoming the most “me” that I can be, I help increase the presence of divinity on this plane, and beyond.

And then I came back, ate a quesadilla, enjoyed some horchata, and did laundry.  Because this is the way of such things.


The Ruby Pentacle

Honor – Integrity – Discipline – Responsibility – Purpose

Within our bodies there are five major energetic centers that root information around the periphery of our form.  The Chakras run down the center of us, from our Root up to our Crown, but we also have a second set, that wraps around our beings in a circle.  If we stand in the form of Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, arms outstretched and legs apart, our bodies form the shape of a pentacle.  Our head is the first point of the pentacle, than a foot, the opposing hand, the other hand, the opposing foot, and back to the head.  Which foot goes “first” is dependent upon the flow of our energetic forms… mine, based down under, flows to my left foot, while most Americans I meet flow to their right foot.

There is an energetic center within each of these five points.  The first is located in our head- for some a spot at the third eye, for others just above the top of their head, and I have met some whose head-point is located at their cranial occiput (that little divot at the back of the scull).

Find here, resonating the focus of Honor.  For those who cannot feel theirs, for it is slumbering, take this piece of ruby that I hold out, or this piece of the leather of my own Pentacle.  I am not a font of this, I am not gifting it to you.  You must still earn it… but sometimes we just need a spark of inspiration to find our own fire burning in the distance.

Honor is known by many names:
Nobility of the Soul
Virtuous Conduct
That which we measure against our conscious
Our social contract
Ethical Excellence

When we are without Honor, we walk in Shame.  When we are overfilled with Honor, we are blinded by Hubris.  Neither serves us on the fullness of our journey and potential.

Feel your Honor beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Once Honor is rooted in our energetic body, take a line of crystalline structure, glowing deep red, or a leather lash from the polished Honor you have found, and drawn a line down to your foot.  Again, this will be the right foot on most westerners, left on those south of the equator… but follow what your energetic body tells you.

Find here, resonating the focus of Integrity. This may be at the toes, or just below the foot, or at its center, or at the ankle.

Integrity is known by many names:
Consistency of Actions
Following our values, measures and principles
To be an Integer, whole and complete

When we are without Integrity, we walk in Disgrace or Hypocrisy.  When we are overfilled with Integrity, we are blinded by Absolutism.  Neither serves us on the fullness of our journey and potential.

Feel your Integrity beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Once Integrity is rooted in our energetic body, take a line of crystalline structure, glowing deep red, or a leather lash from the polished Integrity you have found, and drawn a line down to your opposing hand. This will be the left hand on most westerners, right on those south of the equator… but follow what your energetic body tells you.

Find here, resonating the focus of Discipline. This may be at the fingertips, inside the palm, at the wrist, or just outside the frame of the hand.

Discipline is known by many names:
Will or Willpower

When we are without Discipline, we walk in Negligence.  When we are overfilled with Discipline, we are blinded by Abuse, of ourselves and others, by ourselves or others.  Neither serves us on the fullness of our journey and potential.

Feel your Discipline beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Once Discipline is rooted in our energetic body, take a line of crystalline structure, glowing deep red, or a leather lash from the polished Integrity you have found, and drawn a line down to your other hand, feeling the line cross over your heart. This will be the right hand on most westerners, left on those south of the equator… but follow what your energetic body tells you.

Find here, resonating the focus of Responsibility. This may be at the fingertips, inside the palm, at the wrist, or just outside the frame of the hand.

Responsibility is known by many names:
Accountability (for one’s actions and decisions)
Obligation (Moral and Mortal)

When we are without Responsibility, we walk in Irresponsibility.  When we are overfilled with Responsibility, we are blinded by Compulsion or Preoccupation.  Neither serves us on the fullness of our journey and potential.

Feel your Responsibility beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Once Responsibility is rooted in our energetic body, take a line of crystalline structure, glowing deep red, or a leather lash from the polished Integrity you have found, and drawn a line down to your opposing foot. This will be the left foot on most westerners, right on those south of the equator… but follow what your energetic body tells you.

Find here, resonating the focus of Purpose. This may be at the toes, or just below the foot, or at its center, or at the ankle.

Purpose is known by many names:
Our life’s Mission
Guiding Ideals
Our Reason for Being
Our “Great Work”

When we are without Purpose, we walk Adrift or full of Apathy.  When we are overfilled with Purpose, we are blinded by Obsession.  Neither serves us on the fullness of our journey and potential.

Feel your Purpose beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Once Responsibility is rooted in our energetic body, take a line of crystalline structure, glowing deep red, or a leather lash from the polished Integrity you have found, and drawn a line back to your head or crown, where Honor is rooted.

Feel your Honor beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.
Feel your Integrity beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.
Feel your Discipline beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.
Feel your Responsibility beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.
Feel your Purpose beat and pulse, a beautiful ruby red or polished black leather.

Follow the ruby or leather lines, again and again, as they beat out with each breath…

Honor – Integrity – Discipline – Responsibility – Purpose

The Ruby Pentacle, awake.